Wednesday 8 July 2015

Is this tuely responsible for the Boko Haram Insurgency

do you agree?


The advocacy group known as the bring back our girls for the missing Chibok girls are currently in a meeting with President Buhari..

Back and Better

am so sorry my lovely blog visitors.
been away for so long,
I promise never to be away for this long never again.

Sunday 8 February 2015

INEC official postpones elections. Now March 28th and April 11th

Inec chairman Prof Attahiru Jega just briefed the media on the outcome of their meeting today. He said the 2015 general elections has been postponed by 6 weeks. Jega said the decision was made after briefings with various stakeholders notably political parties, security agencies, civil society and the media. He said 26 out of the 28 registered parties were at the meeting. Jega blamed the postponement on lack of security and collection of PVC. He said only 66% of the 96% PVCs has been collected

New dates: the presidential election will now hold March 28th while Governorship election will now hold April 11th. Who saw this coming? 

Monday 2 February 2015

Amber Rose At Dbanj's 10th Anniversary Celebration - Photos

On Saturday, Dbanj celebrated 10years in entertainment and as part of the side attractions,he flew in Amber know her right?

Pics from the candle light procession for late actor, Muna Obiekwe

Friends and colleagues of actor, Muna Obiekwe, who died on Sunday Jan. 26th in Lagos, gathered yesterday at Masha roundabout for a candlelight procession to Ojez restaurant, Stadium, Surulere.

Muna will be buried on Tuesday 3rd February in Anambra state. Continue to rest in peace, Muna!

Peter Okoye and Wifey go on Boat Cruise

Lola Omotayo Okoye shared a photo from their boat cruise yesterday on instagram.

Wednesday 28 January 2015

2face reacts to viral photos of him and Pero Adeniyi

The chief Horse has spoken concerning the latest scandal he was hit it.
2Face has been under media scrutiny and pressure from his fans to make a response to the viral photos of him kissing baby mama, Pero Adeniyi, while married to wife Annie Idibia.

With rumors of marital problems between 2face and Annie being fueled by the couple’s silence over the photos said to be taken last weekend, 2face has finally bowed to the pressure.
He took to his Instagram Page at midnight to share a photo of himself and his wifey, Annie walking down the aisle on their wedding day in 2013 with the caption “Our love does not have 2 make sense 2 u. pls go on with your perfect life and know the true story behind something before u judge and start making nasty comments based on an orchestrated story by some blog.U shall know the truth and the truth shall set u free.LYTID uwana idibia”

Annie Idibia releases statement regarding those photos of 2face & Pero

Annie has reacted. Her statement below...
         I am aware of the photo's circulating the internet with my husband and Pero Adeniyi. I want to state officially that I was not in that space at that time and therefore there was no confrontation between myself and Pero Adeniyi.
Pero Adeniyi and this momentary indiscretion poses no threat whatsoever to my relationship with my husband. Continue...
As a matter of fact for all of our children's' sake, I do encourage cordial relationships with parties involved.
This year, my focus is solely on God, Family and my Career which doesn't give me the luxury of paying attention to any distractions.
I thank you for your respect in this matter.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

2face Idibia cuddles/kisses babymama Pero Adeniyi in Lagos club, Annie Idibia responds (photo)

Above is a picture collage that is reportedly of 2face having a good time and kissing one of his other baby mamas, Pero Adeniyi, who has three children for him.
Recall that Annie talked about how she deals with the other women in her husband's life in a recent interview, here, saying it takes utmost civility.

While some have insisted the photo is an old one from when 2face was still dating Pero and was only released recently by mischief makers, it is clear from the picture that 2 face was already married as he can be seen wearing his wedding ring. 
As a matter of fact, it has been found that the photo was recently taken at 2face's rumours night club in Lagos.

There's more below:

Unknown to many 2face and Pero Adeniyi the mother of his three kids have been in touch despite the fact that 2face married Annie when Pero had just brought to bed his 6th child, their third together.

According to SDK, they are very very Good friends - for the sake of the children they have together.....

 It is also whispered that Tuface is a lover of his kids and makes sure that all his Children from the three woman (Sunmbo,Pero and Annie) have contact with one another and he does not fail in his duty as Father to all his seven kids.
Anytime he is in America, he visits Pero and his kids and spends time with them but this does not go down well with his wife Annie Macaulay.

''Annie has been fighting Pero to stay away from 2face and she does not want him to have any contact whatsoever with Pero or the kids she had for him but the musician has turned a blind eye to her plea and this results in constant fights between them, forget all the instagram display you see'' a source told SDK. 

The kissing picture and others that looked cosy of Tuface and Pero together was ALLEGEDLY taken at Rumours nightclub on Sunday night of January 26,2015.

''I don’t know if they planned to meet there or it was a coincidence but Pero and 2face were at the club together and Annie stormed in ready for a fight, infact she was ready to tear down the place because 2face had not been home for days due to another bout of nagging on the Pero issue.

Pero and 2face were seated at the VIP section all cozy and laughing and having the time of their lives and when Annie stormed in, the club management sensed trouble and asked her to come with them into a room so that 2face could join her there and talk things out.

But when Annie went into the room, she was locked in for some time and by the time she was let out, the fun was over and Pero had left whilst 2face was about to leave.

Sources claim that all is not well between 2face and Annie because the frequent fight over Pero has taken a toll on their marriage and got worse when Annie allegedly sent threatening mails to  Pero and wouldn’t let her be to the embarrassment of her hubby.

''Anytime Annie and 2face quarreled, she blamed it on Pero and vented out her anger via phone calls or strongly worded emails cussing out Pero and calling her kids names...''

Although Pero is currently in Nigeria on a business trip, and has moved on with her love life but that she is still very close to 2face Idibia.

Neither 2Face nor Annie Idibia have released official statements on the photos, but the mom of two hinted in a recent interview that it was not a bed of roses being married to a man with other women in his life as the mother of his children. 

Several of her posts on Instagram a few days ago also talk about the devil using some "born again Christians" to distract her, saying; "may their "2faces" "2lives" not b exposed.." Is she referring to 2Face himself or any of his babymamas? See the full posts below...

Pic: 2face & Annie Idibia pictured cooking together

The couple pictured together cooking. Who says 2face ain't romantic?


So you and this bros “have been going out” for years now and everyone is beginning to ask the questions: "ahn ahn when will you people marry na? I want to come and eat rice oh" (as if their eating of rice depends on your wedding) or you’ve been wondering yourself after all these pictures of hands with rings have been popping up on your friends dps! …and you’re tired. 
So why has you guy not proposed?

1. He’s not financially ready – owo ni koko (money is important) he just might be saving up some money to first of all buy you an instagram-worthy ring/plan the proposal …and you know with the proposal comes the wedding and he’s really looking at his bank account. Most guys would like to be financially settled at least- have a house, maybe a car…you know. So try and guage where your guy is financially. 

2. What are his friends doing? If none of your bobo’s friends are married then errrrrm…he might not be wanting to be the first to do it. If he has mostly married friends they would even encourage him to see the need to get married so he would easily figure…"ah…let me do what my mates are doing, i'm not getting any younger"

3. Fear don bellup am: you think it’s easy to propose to a woman even though you know say she go gree? There might also be the fear of getting married…like this is going to be the only woman forever and ever and ever-the woman he would grow old and grey with…even for women the thought is scary. Making the decision to get married is a BIG DEAL! So maybe your guy is just scared and needs to man up.

4. He has unfinished projects- if he still has unfinished business then he might not be considering proposing, that does not mean he will not eventually oh, it’s just that on his top ten list you’re probably number 3 –if you can figure out what number 1 and 2 are then you know how long you gonna wait. I believe this is where Bobo was; he was still studying…someone that is thinking of how to pass his exams is who I was expecting to propose and marry kiakia…Thank you Jesus that we won that MBNW if not…

5. He does not want to some of these guys are just oloshi's and will string a girl along forever and ever till she's tatyfife (35) and figures that she needs to move on. Their case is the classic "eat it you say no, throw it away you say there's still meat on it"...may God not let us meet these kind of men. If you feel your guy does not fall into any of the categories above you better start having a discussion and praying to your father in heaven to open your eyes...

What other reason's will make a guy not propose ? Let me know in the comments section!
Credit to sisi yemmie

NAFDAC intercepts 5 containers of fake Alomo bitters,Viagra

The  National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC), has intercepted huge consignments of fake aphrodisiacs known as  Heragra and Ziagra, peddled in the market as remedies for erectile dysfunction.
Manufacturers of the fake drugs target users of the popular Viagra.
In another development, officials of the agency acting on a tip-off, also intercepted five containers of counterfeit drugs and products, including counterfeit Alomo bitters, Diclofenac and Tramadol. The four 40ft containers and 20ft container of fake drugs and products were valued at N270 million.
Director General of NAFDAC, Dr. Paul Orhii, who announced the seizures and the arrest of one Kanayo Onyeabor, allegedly behind the importation of the drugs, said consumption of the drugs could result in chest pain, uncomfortable penile disfunction, heart attack and even death. According to Orhii, unregistered Heragra and Ziagra brands of sildenafil citrate tablets is usually registered in 25 mg, 50mg and 100mg but the intercepted unregistered Heragra and Ziagra came in a strength of 120mg. “These products are known drugs of misuse and abuse which can result in serious health problems such as increased blood pressure (BP), stroke, ulceration of the gastro-intestinal tract, tolerance and dependence.
“May I also point out here that the importation of overdose of this drug are stroke, liver diseases, kidney disease swelling of the face, swelling of the tongue and skin disease,” he said.

He added that sildenafil citrate tablet is a “Prescription Only Medication (POM) for managing erectile disfunction while Tramadol is also a POM for managing severe pain and under strict control in Nigeria.

The Director General of NAFDAC said: “These products have not been tested and certified by NAFDAC. Therefore, their quality and safety are not guaranteed,” adding, “but “for the timely intervention of NAFDAC, it would have found its way into circulation.”
Source : Daily Sun

Presidential Election - Lawyer Files In Motion For Buhari To Be Disqualified From Contesting

A legal practitioner, Barr. Chukwunweike Okafor, on Monday, approached the Federal High Court in Abuja with an application seeking a declaration that the presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress, Maj.-Gen. Muhammadu Buhari (rtd.), lacked the educational qualification to stand for the February 14 presidential election.

The originating summons marked FHC/ABJ/CS/01/2015 has Buhari, APC and the Independent National Electoral Commission as the first, second and third defendants respectively.
The suit was filed pursuant to Section 131 of the Constitution, which prescribes a minimum qualification for nomination to participate in the presidential election and Section 31 of the Electoral Act that requires all presidential candidates to depose to an affidavit that they have satisfied and complied with the constitutional requirements to be President of Nigeria.
        Okafor, in the suit filed through his counsel, Chief Ugo Ugunnadi, is contending that Buhari’s form CF001 with the INEC, wherein he stated that he obtained the minimum educational qualification of West African Senior School Certificate could not be valid as the said certificate was allegedly false or not genuine.
The plaintiff, among other things, is asking the court to declare that “the information contained in Buhari’s affidavit dated November 24, 2014, stating that the Secretary of the Military Board was in custody of his WASSC was false and thereby disqualified him from contesting the 2015 general elections.”
The lawyer is therefore seeking an order of the court “compelling INEC to withdraw, remove and/or delete the names of the 1st and 2nd defendants from the list of persons or political parties eligible to contest for the Office of the President of Nigeria in the 2015 general elections.”

The courts reopened today after being shut down for three weeks by the striking judicial workers in the country.
No date has yet been fixed to hear Okafor’s originating summons.
                  reported by Punch

Buhari’s daughter, Zahra blows hot on twitter over SSCE saga

Zahra Buhari, the pretty daughter of the All Progressive Congress presidential candidate, Muhammad Buhari who caused a stir on twitter a few weeks ago is back and this time she is not smiling.

She displayed  her unwavering support for her father via Twitter this yesterday afternoon by addressing the controversy surrounding her father’s school-leaving certificate.
See tweets:

John Legend & wife Chrissy Teigen covers GQ magazine

John Legend, 36, and his wife Chrissy Teigen, 29, showed their love and passion for each other in a sexy Valentine's Day shoot for GQ Magazine. See more photos after the cut...

                                     Photo credit: GQ Magazine

Annie Idibia opens on her life with 2face, says she wouldn't want her daughter to marry a man who has kids with other women

Annie Idibia, who covers the latest issue of Motherhood In-Style opened up about her life and marriage with 2face Idibia, his other children and her difficult pregnancies.
On being 2face Idibia's wife: "I’m married to Innocent, one of the most amazing men in the world. I want to believe our marriage is almost like every other marriage. He’s a good dad, great husband, a wonderful son-in-law, and he’s all that I thought he would be as a husband and more.
On the low points of their relationship: I think it would be the first time I heard that other people were having his baby, the second should be when we both sat down and agreed to end the relationship. We realized it couldn’t work and decided to break up. That was after I had Isabella.
On the high points of their relationship: His proposal was a high point; the way he went about it was special. And my wedding! I didn’t think we were going to end up together, and that’s the honest truth.
On his kids: I wish I was the mother of all his kids; the seven of them. But they are my kids; I just wish I was their biological mum. They’re awesome; you can’t help but love them. Everything else has made everything better.
On dealing with his other children: I won’t say it’s easy. I mean, you have kids with people, are you going to be their enemy? You have to have at least some civil relationship with them; you have to be very civil but God has been very faithful, and it’s still God all the way because it’s really not easy. I do not regret being with my husband but I would not want my daughter to be married to a man that has kids with other women, naturally. You know, it doesn’t make me love him less or feel like I don’t want to be here, I’m happy that I’m here, I don’t love him less, but I would not wish that for my daughter because even if the man is in, how about the other parties involved? But then, like I said, it’s key to be civil.
On her difficult pregnancies: I had CS for both kids. With Isabel it was good, but Olivia's was horrible. I was sick all through my second pregnancy, and it was difficult.

- Osinbajo says Buhari would lead the Nigerian military to fight Boko Haram

VP candidate of the APC, Prof Yemi Osinbajo says if elected into government, Buhari would lead the Nigerian military in the fight against members of Boko Haram. Speaking at a town hall meeting organized by the Act Now Professionals in Abuja yesterday Jan 26th, Prof Osinbajo said the fight against Boko Haram can not be won by leading from the rear...
"The first priority is security and to question what has gone wrong in the military. Then, funding the military adequately and ensuring that the Commander-In-Chief leads from the front. But when he was Commander-In-Chief, Buhari led from the front as a soldier. You cannot lead from the rear. You cannot fail to go to where the insurgency is taking place and that is what Buhari has been saying.
"I think that the major problem with the question of security is again that it was not prioritised by this government. It was not taken seriously enough from the beginning. When you have a situation, you do not politicise the insurgency like that. You do not point to the opposition and say it is the opposition that is sponsoring it until General Buhari almost lost his life when Boko Haram attacked him. We must start by understanding that there is a war going on in that part of the country and what the government need to do is to get the nation behind it, not pointing accusing fingers at wrong places. We need to look at the whole question of funding and equipping the military. The military at the moment is not equipped. I worked with Femi Falana on the mutiny of some solders and what is the complaint of those soldiers who were charged with mutiny? Their complaint is that they were not given equipment and they wanted them to go to battle. So, how do you say that? How does anybody think that you can fight the insurgents without ammunition?” he said

Peter and Lola Okoye signed the dotted lines

Lola shared the photo on instagram. Apparently she and Peter Okoye tied the knot at the Ikoyi registry last week... same week with Paul and Anita. Congrats to them... pics of Anita and Paul Okoye below at theirs

Monday 26 January 2015

Peter Okoye and Family go on a boat ride

Peter Okoye, Lola and their kids went on a boat ride. Peter shared the pix on his Instagram page

Sunday 25 January 2015

John Kerry arrives Lagos in 13 bullet proof suburban convoy as he holds talks with GEJ, Buhari

US Secretary of State John Kerry arrived Nigeria today to hold talks with Pres. Jonathan, Buhari and APC leadership about next month's elections as well as the issue of insecurity in Nigeria. Sunday Dare who shared the pics and tweets is a media aide to APC chieftain, Bola Tinubu.


Boko Haram Captures Monguno Village in Borno State

According to reports, members of Boko Haram sect have captured Monguno village in Borno state after attacking the area very early this morning. They also attempted to attack the state capital, Maiduguri, but was repelled by the Nigerian military. There's a 24-hour curfew there right now.

Omawumi shows off her baby bump

Omawumi who got married last week, flaunted a visible baby bump, it's so cute! This will be her 2nd child with husband,Tosin Yusuf..

Toyin Lawani shares her story

She shared this on instagram this afternoon

I remember when I got pregnant I was so scared to let the world know, No 1 had a clue until they saw me on the runway at Africa fashion week London,was almost 8months then,I used to worry Alot abt what people would say if i had a baby for someone younger, My Boo would Beg me endlessly and say my love care not I'm by your side, His parents where so Amazing and supportive,i was so shocked cause I didn't expect that kind of love and support, I almost didn't want to go through with it, severally I would change my mind,I will sit in d hospital thinking endlessly should I or should I not.
my doc will say Toyin its just 9months ,A positive voice constantly kept telling me My love when you meet this bundle of joy in your stomach you will not care ....And Alot of negative voices kept begging me to take it out that it was a bad idea,Well Imagine if I had listened to the world or if I was too scared to carry on cause of what people will say?...I would have missed out on this Beautiful Blessing....My son is the most handsome Boy ever I've ever seen and so is my Beautiful daughter...

Happy Sunday yall Don't let voices of others make you kill your Blessings,Believe in Yourself and ask God for help cause he's the only man that can get you there....Too many kill Joy in this so called Nigeria but im sorry to burst your bubble,i dont Give a Shit about wht society think ,i came to this world Alone and im Going Alone,Live your life to the fullest cause oneday you will look back and realize u missed out on all the things u could have done for urself ,just because you cared too much about wht society would say or Think abt u....Anytime I feel down I look at my kids @lilatmfashionista and @lordmaine1 and all I do is Smile..went thru Alot but through it all only one person stood by me @lordtrigg Thanks for this Blessing...Even my so called Bestfriend told me ah toyin if u leave ur ex u will suffer oo and i told her hey dear dont forget i have my talent and handwork ,i will just suffer for a while,I thank God that I don't look like what I've been tru..I Thank God for his continous Blessings on my life and family #ATMFASHIONISTA #HAPPYSUNDAYALL

She shared this on instagram this afternoon

I remember when I got pregnant I was so scared to let the world know, No 1 had a clue until they saw me on the runway at Africa fashion week London,was almost 8months then,I used to worry Alot abt what people would say if i had a baby for someone younger, My Boo would Beg me endlessly and say my love care not I'm by your side, His parents where so Amazing and supportive,i was so shocked cause I didn't expect that kind of love and support, I almost didn't want to go through with it, severally I would change my mind,I will sit in d hospital thinking endlessly should I or should I not.
my doc will say Toyin its just 9months ,A positive voice constantly kept telling me My love when you meet this bundle of joy in your stomach you will not care ....And Alot of negative voices kept begging me to take it out that it was a bad idea,Well Imagine if I had listened to the world or if I was too scared to carry on cause of what people will say?...I would have missed out on this Beautiful Blessing....My son is the most handsome Boy ever I've ever seen and so is my Beautiful daughter...

Happy Sunday yall Don't let voices of others make you kill your Blessings,Believe in Yourself and ask God for help cause he's the only man that can get you there....Too many kill Joy in this so called Nigeria but im sorry to burst your bubble,i dont Give a Shit about wht society think ,i came to this world Alone and im Going Alone,Live your life to the fullest cause oneday you will look back and realize u missed out on all the things u could have done for urself ,just because you cared too much about wht society would say or Think abt u....Anytime I feel down I look at my kids @lilatmfashionista and @lordmaine1 and all I do is Smile..went thru Alot but through it all only one person stood by me @lordtrigg Thanks for this Blessing...Even my so called Bestfriend told me ah toyin if u leave ur ex u will suffer oo and i told her hey dear dont forget i have my talent and handwork ,i will just suffer for a while,I thank God that I don't look like what I've been tru..I Thank God for his continous Blessings on my life and family #ATMFASHIONISTA #HAPPYSUNDAYALL